Monday, March 23, 2009

People actually wrote letters? By hand ?! That's crazy!

Watching the video clip really made me think about technology today. Louis C.K really makes many good points. Technology has really evolved a huge amount over the past few years. When my parents were growing up, tvs were still new, they never owned a computer, and did not have cell phones. They actually had to do things like go outside and get some exercise, write out their assignments by hand, and use the phone or go to someones house just to talk to their friends. They even wrote letters!

I do not know where I would be without my cell phone, mp3 player, and laptop. It is how I get everything done. Msn, Facebook, and texting are my means of communication. God forbid I actually have to pick up a telephone. How else would I know where my friends are going during the day at school? I use my laptop for everything - homework assignments, emails, internet etc. It has all become such a huge part of my life. There are so many things modern technology will do for us these days. Electric can openers for example. Phew! Thank God I don't have to work up a sweat turning a handle anymore. And PVR (Personal Video Recorder) now I can record my favourite shows and watch them whenever I want. I can't imagine being forced to sit and watch tv on a schedule. It seems that people now-a-days just want to take the lazy way out.

People are way more focused on modern technology these days. It seems like every five minutes something new comes along and we are all forced to adapt to the change. And thats what technology seems to be these days - constant change. It is like everyone sits around waiting for the next, new big thing to come out. It just adds stress, people worry about their internet being slow, their cell phones dying, and their computers breaking down. People need to learn how to slow down, relax, and just smell the roses.

But if you would excuse me now, I think my cell phone just vibrated.

1 comment:

Eryk The Cool said...

Hahaha great blog!
my favourite part was when you explained a PVR as this "And PVR (Personal Video Recorder) now I can record my favourite shows and watch them whenever I want." isn't that what they say in the commercial? I mean word for word? Haha just goes to show that we get our inspiration by technology now too!