Monday, December 1, 2008

Gaming Gone Wild!

Welcome back to my blog! This second entry will be about the pros and cons of video games, and how teens can become very addicted to them. We are now in a new age where video games are part of teens' everyday life. As someone who plays video games quite often, I can relate to this topic. What is different is that I know how long is too long. I know when to stop playing and go outside, or read, or do homework. My siblings and I have been very into video games since we were young. We have had just about every system imaginable - Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, GameCube, XBOX, and XBOX 360 etc. I am more into the games that can be played with friends, and groups of large people, like Rock Band, or Guitar Hero, because even if everyone is not playing, it is still something everyone can enjoy by watching or listening to the great tunes that are included in the game. It is something I usually like to play when I'm with my friends, just hanging out on Friday nights.

As great as games are, they can be also very dangerous and addictive. All that most teens who play video games want to do, is shoot things, crash cars, and run around with an unlimited supply of weapons (real, and make believe). But the problem is that most of these games are most definitely not realistic. They don't resemble life in the real world. Unlike games, in reality you will not have an unlimited amount of lives or resources. Actions like shooting people, and robbing a store have repercussions. Games like that are making things that should be taken seriously, seem like a game or something you would do for fun. I do know many people who are very addicted to games and like to play for hours, or even days straight! They get caught up in these games, and end up falling behind at school, work, and with friends. They make gaming their whole lives. This is something I see as negative, and something that someone shouldn't want to happen to them.

Games do have some very negative effects on teens, but there are also games that can help people. Educational games are good to improve reading, writing, typing, and comprehension skills. Brain Age is a good example of an educational game. This game involves playing many mini-games that involve things like math, science, and reading. In order to win, and do better, the player is required to improve their skills by beating their previous times, scores, and speeds. Games like these can really improve motor skills.

Overall, I think games are pretty harmless. Even though games have some very negative effects on young people, I think they are okay to play, as long as it is not all the time, and you can still get work done, and do not become obsessed. I think most teens use video games as a way to let loose, have fun, and relax.


-cormac- said...

Yeah its quite the shame how video games can become people's lives, and how some people take the no consequence attitude from a video game to reality, do insane things, and become surprised when there are consequences. You make some very good points

Cassandra.m said...

Alright, so after reading this blog, something came to mind.
Remember back in the day.. middle of grade ten.. somwhere areound christmas? Yea? It was some sort of obsession me and you both shared...GUITAR HERO! ahaha
So as much as i hate video games and find them extremly annyoing, i have to say, that game is a blast!
we still have to verse eachother one of these days. I'm sure you will win ;)