Thursday, May 14, 2009


This year, Mary Ward's art show truly out did itself. The theme was "eccentrick" and it really was amazing. It was a huge success. I especially liked it better than last year because my own art was on display. I have always enjoyed walking through all the rooms and seeing the awesome talent that our school has. The whole year I have seen people working on their projects, and all the preparations they have made and all the steps they have taken and the art show lets me see all the finished masterpieces.

This year, I worked security in design, and got a quest unit for it. It was great to see all the amazing designs that everyone created. The dresses that the seniors made were amazing. I wish I could have bought all of them. The senior video students also made some great productions.

My favourite part of the art show was the grade ten video theatre, and the "I am" videos that everyone did. I thought it was really cool to see all the unique things that people did. Most of them were really interesting. My video was also in that theatre and I thought it was cool to see how everyone else did theirs, I can use it for next time. It really helped me see how I could have done things differently, or better. Everyone did such an amazing job.

I think everything in the art show was amazing. The teachers continue to outdo themselves. Every year it is better and better and it was really hard to pick my favourite thing.
Great job everyone, I can't wait 'til next year!


ring...ring...ring...banana phone!

So, this topic really got me thinking. Pretty much everyone has a cell phone now-a-days. People use them to talk to their friends, for buisness, for pleasure, etc. They seem to be just a normal part of everyday society. I really do think people abuse their cell phones though. They are constantly in use, especially when they shouldn't be. At the movies, with your friends, at events, parties and family functions, and at school. People need to realize that constantly using the phone is rude.

So picture this, here I am, on the bus trying to enjoy my long bus ride home when suddenly the whole bus is filled with an extremely loud song that no one actually wants to hear - it is a ringtone, someone is using their phone at the front of the bus talking very loudly. Why must the phone be that loud when you are in a public place? If it is in their pocket they should just keep it on vibrate. People should really have some common courtesy for others.

Everyone needs to realize there is a time and place for everything. Sure, I may use my phone at school to figure out where my friends are going, when the next seminar is etc. But my phone is always on vibrate, I don't talk on it around my friends or during school, and I am definately polite about it.

So here, I have come up with 5 rules for phone use:

1) Keep it on vibrate ! - No one really wants to hear that extremely loud, extremely annoying song blaring from your phone. It does not make you cool. And it just leads to your phone getting taken away at school. You are just asking for it.

2) Be polite ! - There is no need to talk loudly when in a public place. As Mrs. Kopach would say, use your 15cm voice. Just because the person is a bunch of kilometres away does NOT mean you need to yell that loud. Think of the people around you.

3) There is a time and place for phone use ! - It is very rude to use your phone when with your friends, family, at an event, party and school. Who could you possible be texting or calling when you are already with your friends. There someone is, trying to have a conversation with you, and you are not paying attention because you are typing on your phone. Not cool. When you are at a party or event people will think you don't want to be there if you are constantly on your phone. It can distance you from everyone. At the movies, I constantly see bright lights in my peripheral vision, it distracts me from the movie!

4) Get a watch ! - It really is annoying when someone constantly pulls out their phone to check the time. Especially when you are trying to talk to them. Phone does not = watch. Just buy a watch.

5) Ask permission ! - If you are with someone and your phone happens to vibrate or ring or whatever, do not just pull it out and begin to talk. It's rude to the people you are with. You should say something like "Excuse me, but do you mind if I take this?" or "Sorry, this is really important, I will just be a minute." Something that is not hard to do will definately make a big difference.

These rules are not too much. All I am asking for is some common courtesy people!

Now, if you don't mind, my pocket is vibrating.

Thanks for reading :)